Hi, Cam here. After creating social content for a product design startup, big clients, small clients, and a giant telco brand, here I am speaking to you through the screen. Welcome!

At work, I’m a social strategist, copywriter, marketer, and forger of thumb-stopping ideas. In the outside world, I’m a photographer, fiber artist, stylist, and content creator.

My brand social philosophy is: take risks, be playful, authentic, and strive to stay just outside of your lane. And speak to people like they’re people. You know you love that.

Telling inclusive and varied stories is always top of mind for me, and I’ll fight to make sure the right people are in front of and behind the screen.
It’s 2021, let’s do better.

If you’re with me, shoot me an email at
hicamcronin (at) gmail.com
